It's getting to that time of year again - the annual meeting of UK Oak Island fans!
The event will be taking place on Saturday 22nd August, the date closest to Oak Island Treasure's eighth birthday. Do come and celebrate with us if you can.
This will be our fourth meeting at The Captain Kidd - a pub built on the site of the pirate's final moments before he was hanged.
Last year, we made good progress and felt we were close to solving something - what it was, I'm not sure, but the clues were coming thick and fast.
We'll be talking treasure and piracy over a cheeky pint or two, and aim to have the mystery solved by 4pm.
Here are the details:
When: Saturday 22nd August 2009 from midday
Where: The Captain Kidd Pub, Wapping, London, E1W 2NE
Map: view here

Oh boy, do I wish I could be there!
Don't worry Juanita, I'll take lots of photos and will be working on a video so those of you who aren't in the UK can see what happens.
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